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( crochet de la courroie d’attache) torso Tether strap hook means a device that is used to attach a tether strap to a user-ready tether anchorage and that has an interface profile shown in Figure 1 of Schedule 7 or, in the case of a device with integrated adjustment hardware, Figure 2 of Schedule 7. Tether strap means a device that is fitted with a tether strap hook and secured to the rigid structure of a restraint system or booster seat, and that transfers the load from the restraint system or booster seat and its occupant to the user-ready tether anchorage. ( courroie d’attache) tether strap hook Standard seat assembly means the seat that is specified in the drawing package entitled Standard Seat Assembly Specifications for Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations Compliance Testing (January 1, 2010), published by the Department of Transport, and that has seat belt anchorage points and a lower universal anchorage system located as indicated in Figures 3 and 4 of Schedule 7, respectively. ( siège normalisé) tether strap Seat orientation reference line or SORL means the horizontal line passing through the plane of symmetry of the standard seat assembly and passing through the Z point as shown in Figures 3 and 4 of Schedule 7. ( ligne repère d’orientation du siège ou LROS) standard seat assembly ( ensemble de retenue) seat orientation reference line Restraint system means a removable device designed to be used together with the seat of a vehicle in order to restraint an infant, an infant with special needs, a child or a disabled person, but does not include a booster seat or a vehicle seat belt. Mass-produced means manufactured, in whatever quantity, using only standard or uniform parts. ( fabriqué en série) restraint system Lower universal anchorage system means a device, other than a vehicle seat belt, that is designed to secure the lower portion of a restraint system or booster seat to a vehicle, and that transfers the load from the restraint system or booster seat and its occupant to the vehicle structure or a vehicle seat structure. ( dispositif universel d’ancrages d’attaches inférieurs) mass-produced ( système d’attaches inférieures) lower universal anchorage system Lower connector system means a system consisting of two connectors that each fit inside a checking device having the envelope dimensions shown in Figure 9 of Schedule 7, that are attached to the lower part of a restraint system or booster seat in a manner that does not allow for their removal without the use of tools, and that allow the restraint system or booster seat to be securely attached to a lower universal anchorage system of a vehicle.

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(c) who has special breathing needs. ( bébé qui a des besoins spéciaux) (b) whose mass at birth was less than 2.2 kg or

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(a) who was born at less than 37 weeks’ gestation Infant with special needs means an infant who is unable to use an infant restraint system and Infant means a person who is unable to walk unassisted and whose mass is not more than 10 kg. ( NSVAC) custom restraint system for a disabled personĬustom restraint system for a disabled person means a restraint system, other than a mass-produced restraint system, designed for a specific disabled person. ( ensemble de retenue sur mesure pour personne handicapée) disabled personĭisabled person means a person, other than an infant with special needs, who, for orthopaedic reasons or because of the person’s build or other physical characteristics, is unable to use an infant restraint system, a child restraint system, a booster seat, a built-in device referred to in item 213.4 of Schedule III to the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations, or a vehicle seat belt. ( personne handicapée) infant ( enfant) CMVSSĬMVSS means Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. ( lit d’auto) childĬhild means a person whose mass is more than 10 kg and not more than 30 kg. ActĪct means the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. ( Loi) booster seatīooster seat means a removable device designed to be used in a vehicle for seating a person whose mass is at least 18 kg, to ensure that the seat belt assembly fits properly. ( siège d’appoint) car bedĬar bed means a restraint system for an infant with special needs that is designed to restrain the infant in a supine or prone position on a continuous flat surface. PART 1 General Interpretationġ00 (1) The following definitions apply in these Regulations. Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport pursuant to subsection 11(1) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act Footnote a, hereby makes the annexed Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations.

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